5 Reasons Copywriting Leads To An Incredible ROI - Even In The Technology Industry

Any marketer will tell you: hiring a pro copywriter is the most important business decision you can make… regardless of what it is you sell.

Technology copywriter

That’s because copywriters understand more than how to write cool phrases-- they know how to convert your visitors into buyers.

But many companies think that in the tech marketplace, it isn’t the case.

They imagine customers buy based on specs and numbers.

Or that if they just make products that look pretty, they’ll have all the money they could ever want.

These guys don’t see the value of technology copywriting--and they end up failing… fast.

Here are five reasons why hiring a copywriter will always be the best “bang-for-your-buck”… ESPECIALLY in the tech industry.

1. Copywriting Can Save Your Business (When Nothing Else Can)

When a customer hates your product and is about to give up on it, a well-written bit of copy can do some truly nutty things in their head.

It can convince them they were wrong to doubt you. It can convince them that you’re really on their side. It can even convince them to keep buying from you.

A highly-trained copywriter is like a magician: they can do things that almost seem impossible. That’s why, if you sell products to humans, you need a pro copywriter. Trust us.

2. A Copywriter Can Grab Customers You Can’t Reach

An expert copywriter can hook visitors who are about to leave your site. They can capture a customer’s imagination in the few seconds it takes to read your product box. They can make customers want to buy from you even when your product totally sucks. Copywriters can do this because they’re masters of the things that drive us--the emotions, fears and thoughts we have about ourselves. And a skilled copywriter uses that talent to inject powerful, compelling ideas in your readers’ minds. Ideas that make them hit the “Buy” button-- even if they didn’t think they’d do so.

With technology marketing, this power is just as essential. Customers don’t want to buy “another computer”--they want an experience. And copywriters know how to convince prospects that they NEED to buy from your organization in order to have it.

3. Hiring Freelance Copywriters Is Cheaper Than You Think

Quick, how much money is your product bringing in right now? If it bumped up by 30% or more, wouldn’t it be worth the average $400-$2000 to do it?)

Or think of how much money you could have saved if your last PR nightmare never happened. With the right writer, it’s possible. In fact, some companies find that their copywriters get them better publicity during a crisis than at any other time.

How’s that for a return on investment??

4. Technology Writing Is a Profession, Not a Hobby

The best technology copywriters know the ins and outs of their entire industry. They’re pros. Which means that they have the ideas, the foresight, and the big-picture knowledge to actually improve your technology products. Not to mention the marketing savvy to know exactly what people will want to hear about it.

Tech marketers are often some of the most informed and most capable members of a tech company’s team. Most companies insist copywriters are one of their most valuable assets. And who couldn’t use another great player on their side?

5. Tech Industry Titans All Agree-- For Once.

Whether you’re Amazon, Adobe, or Google you know the incredible results that come from great copywriting. That’s why every tech giant spends millions of dollars a year on crafting their message. If it wasn’t working, you can bet that they wouldn’t keep doing it.

Isn’t it time you gave freelance copywriters a shot? Hire a seasoned, professional tech copywriter for your business today, and reap the truly amazing rewards.

It might seem like a lot to spend right now, but the income you’ll make in exchange makes it a no-brainer. Whatever your company sells, an amazing copywriter can make the difference between a mediocre launch and a world-changing product. So hire a technology copywriter today. You can thank me later.

Michael Cook is a freelance technology copywriter.

Technology copywriter